Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Adamantly Invoking Allah’s Wrath - IS IT REALLY WORTH IT?

Ms. Ra’ana Khan
Dated: 26 June 2012

As we continue with our Godless lives, we do not even stop to consider how, with each step and turn, we are adamantly invoking Allah’s Wrath! The gravity of this never hits us until (i.e. if at all), (Allah-Forbid) it finally seizes us!

The wrath of Allah has manifested itself time and again; in the form of various natural disasters or calamities, such as an Earthquake, leaving mountains upturned and thousands perished. Alternatively, Storms like “Katrina” leaving hundreds dead and abandoned, left to rot. Then again, worse still in the form of Tsunamis destroying hundreds of kilometers of land devastated and damaged, swiping clean most of the human and animal life. It has happened many a times before and as of late, it has become far more frequent. Yet we, so absolutely absorbed in our worldly lives (ripe with defiance of Allah), all in the name of fun and entertainment, we never stop to think when in those moments or planning for them, IS IT REALLY WORTH IT?

I often wonder; what is it that stops us from relating to or contemplating the real value and worth of those precious moments that we choose to spend in Allah’s defiance? It escapes me how we could have cried buckets for the pain that we feel for people who suffered during the Tsunami in Japan or Phuket, or the Earthquake and then floods in Pakistan, for the victims of Katrina. It escapes me how we could have longed to know, how we could reach and help them. It escapes me, how we could yearn for finding a way to turn back time, to somehow stop the calamity from coming about at all. It escapes me, how after witnessing and wanting all this, we can yet continue so haplessly, so callously, so indifferently and so adamantly Invoking Allah’s Wrath? What is it that stops us from realizing the gravity of our actions while we pursue them? How come it escapes us to ask ourselves, at least while in the act if not before; IS IT REALLY WORTH IT?

I see so many of us so called Muslims, who apparently know at least somewhat of the TRUTH (as we may never even have bothered to read the entire Word of Allah-SWT, i.e. the Qur’an, with understanding and meaning), continuing in the same pursuit of defiant fun, without paying an ounce of heed to Allah’s Command. It shakes the very ground beneath me with horror to see this, because of the realization that to know and spread the Truth, Allah’s Word, His Command, His Guidance and the Art of Living, was our responsibility. When we not only shun our responsibility to learn the Truth, let alone spreading it or upholding it, the intensity with which we become a part of the adamant invocation of Allah’s Wrath is far beyond that of the non-believers denial and perseverance towards the defiant fun! In effect instead of helping them any, we are a further or more intense reason for the calamity to come and strike or enfold them. If I were amongst those non-believers, I would sift out any so-called Muslim and throw them out of the gathering; for that would provide the non-believers an amount of protection from Allah’s Wrath than to allow these claimants of belief, to blaspheme against Allah’s Commands invoking His utmost Wrath to be allowed in their vicinity. It should be clear-cut, that these are “non-Muslim events”, and only non-believers are allowed to pursue this form of entertainment, for otherwise the presence of those hypocritical believers might end up being the biggest party pooper they live to witness!

It is a question I would like to put forth to those of us Muslims, who are planning to participate in or carry out or be part of these FUN events, be it a rock concert, or clubbing, or partying or beach concert or any other prevalent form of “BEING MERRY”, so to say; Why is it that we are pursuing this activity? Is it for fun? What if I were to choke on my spit and die right in the moment of this defiant fun? How would Allah-SWT receive me? How much of His Love would I have invoked? How much of His Mercy would meet and welcome me? Would all the fun that I have in this moment suffice me or satisfy me for all times to come (in the hereafter)? If doomed to hell, would I be reminiscing these moments of fun and finding pleasure and gratification in them? If a calamity like a Tsunami were to seize every one of us amidst the defiant fun and we all be raised together on the Day of Judgment, would I be glad to be amongst these people as my companions and comrades?

I wonder sometimes that all those who tragically lost their lives in the calamities amidst the defiant fun they were so adamantly pursuing, did they even get a chance to reflect, WAS IT REALLY WORTH IT?

So here I am, making an attempt to help my dear dear dear fellow Muslims realize, we still have time, ask ourselves the needful and wakeup to the gravity of our choices and actions. When making the attempt and efforts to seek and pursue the defiant fun, stop for a moment and think. In today’s world there are all sorts of choices and opportunities before us. While there are opportunities to participate in defiant fun and adamantly invoke Allah’s Wrath, there too are endless opportunities to seek and pursue companions and gatherings, full of contentment of heart and everlasting peace, aggressively invoking Allah’s Love and Pleasure. Now let us ask ourselves, “which gathering do we wish to be a conscious part of and which companions do we wish to be raised with on the Day of Reckoning?” The moment is now, for the present is all we have, let us not let it go by in vain. May we all make the right choices and May we all with absolute earnestness spend the rest of the moments left of our lives in the pursuit of adamantly invoking Allah’s Love and Pleasure. Aameen!

For life is short and then we die! so let’s make peace before we say good bye!

Quran, Surah 30: ayat 41 - Mischief [Corruption, Evil, Turmoil, Destruction] has appeared on land and sea because of (the meed) that the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds, defiance, disobedience of Allah, etc.),  that Allah may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return [or turn back] (from Evil by repenting to Allah, and begging His Pardon).

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