Monday, August 23, 2010



The Holy Quran’s absolute decision and the Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) distinct predictions, that the conspiracies and plans of the Jews and their supporters will ultimately fail. The purpose of Muhammad’s (SAW) Prophet-hood will be fulfilled and Islam will definitely prevail. The system of ‘Khilafat-e-Aala Minhaj-ul-Nabuwat’ will be established over the entire world.


“Allah (SWT) hath promised such of you as who believe and do good deeds, that He (SWT) will surely give them Khalifat (make them rulers) in the earth even as He (SWT) granted to those who were before them; and He (SWT) will surely establish for them their religion which He (SWT) hath preferred for them, and will give them in exchange peace after their fear. Then such people will only serve Me (SWT). They ascribe nothing as partner unto Me (SWT). Those who disbelieve henceforth, they are the miscreants.”

(Surah An-Noor : Aayat 55)

“They desire to put out the light of Allah (SWT) with their blows, but Allah (SWT) will perfect His light however much the disbelievers are averse.

He (SWT) it is Who (SWT) hath sent His (SWT) Messenger (SAW) with the guidance and the religion of Truth, that He (SWT) may make it conqueror of all religions, however much idolaters may be averse.”

(Surah Al-Saf : Aayat 8 & 9)


(The five sequential eras of the Muslim Ummah as described in the Hadith.)

“The period of the Prophet (SAW) will prevail as long as Allah (SWT) desires and then when He (SWT) chooses to terminate this era He (SWT) will do so. After this ‘Khilafat-e-Aala Minhaj-ul-Nabuwat’ will be established which and will prevail until Allah (SWT) desires. Then when Allah (SWT) wants to terminate it He (SWT) will do so. Then (in its place) tyrannical monarchy will be established. Which will remain as long as Allah (SWT) desires. Then when Allah (SWT) decides to end it He (SWT) will do so. Then the rule of the dictators will prevail which will remain as long as Allah (SWT) wills. Then when Allah (SWT) decides He (SWT) will end it. Finally ‘Khilafat-e-Aala Minhaj-ul-Nabuwat’ will be reestablished.” Then the Holy Prophet (SAW) became silent.

Hadith quoted from Ahmed and Rawayah by An-Nauman Bin Bashir (RA)

“No doubt Allah (SWT) has adorned this world for me, therefore I saw all of it from East to West. And definitely the Power of my people will stretch over the expanse of land that has been adorned for me!” (Meaning that the Reign of Islam will exceed to all corners of the world.)

Hadith quoted from Muslim, Tirmizi, Abu-Dawood and Ibn-e-Maajat

“There will not be a house made of bricks or a tent made of camel hair left in this World, in which Allah (SWT) does not enter Islam! Be it in the form of giving respect to a believer or in the form of obedience from a despicable (non-believer). Either Allah (SWT) will grant reverence (through Islam) to the people and He (SWT) will make them yield and confess to Islam or He (SWT) will (let them remain a disbeliever) make them subjugated so that they may live, being conquered and dependent.”

Hadith quoted from Ahmed and Saheeh

The mention of Hindustan and Kharasan (the present Afghanistan):

“People will rise from the East, who will help (Hazrat) Mehdi. For the Power of his government, they will tread the lands and continue moving forward.”

Hadith quoted from Ibn-e-Maajat

“Black flags will rise from Kharasan (Afghanistan), and nothing will be able to send them back, to the point that they will be erected in ‘Ailiya’ (Bait-ul-Maqadas)!”

Hadith quoted from Tirmizi

“There will be two groups amongst my people who Allah will save from the fire. One group will be of those who declare Jihad against Hindustan and the other group will support Jesus Christ the son of Maryam (AS).”

Hadith quoted from Sunan Nasai, Kitab al-Jihad, and Bab Ghazwah-e-Hind

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